Top Swatch

Oil Production (bbl/d)

view 2013 levels

Click to view 2007


Bakken 74,173
Eagle Ford 59
Niobrara 35,940
Permian 199,073
Other Shale 117,812
Total Shale 427,777
U.S. Non-shale 4,649,223
Total U.S. 5,077,000
view 2014 levels

Click to view 2014


Bakken 1,077,444
Eagle Ford 1,360,266
Niobrara 217,510
Permian 970,894
Other Shale 293,041
Total Shale 3,919,154
U.S. Non-shale 4,662,119
Total U.S. 8,581,273

In 2007, the start of America’s shale oil production revolution, U.S. oil production was only about 5 million barrels per day. Since then U.S. oil production has increased almost 70%. Most of this increase is due to shale oil production, which has risen from less than half a million barrels per day in 2007 to almost 4 million barrels per day in 2014, constituting 46% of U.S. oil production in 2014.

Printable Version: Oil Production